Bookkeeping isn’t the most exciting of activities, but it is important when it comes to the day to day running of your business.

Finding the time to enter receipts, keep up with invoices and log expenses can be difficult as a business owner. Our dedicated bookkeeping team are on hand to take care of those tasks for you.

1  \ What We Can Offer

We can offer the following support and services:

  • Tax planning

  • Tax compliance

  • Self-assessment and tax return services

  • Tax enquiry fee protection

  • Specialist services

  • Tax planning


2 \ Why Choose The ZAM Group

By using the latest computer technology and well established systems we are able to provide an efficient tax compliance and tax return service. This encompasses:

  • The preparation of computations and correspondence with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)

  • Ensuring the timely production of tax computations

  • Ensuring all tax allowances and deductions are claimed


3 \ What Is Specialist Tax Work?

Our specialist tax work covers:

  • Director's Loan Accounts

  • Property matters

  • Research and development (R&D) tax credits

  • Patent box

  • Stamp duty land tax

  • Staff and director remuneration

  • Capital gains

  • Entrepreneurs relief

  • Capital allowances

  • Planning for retirement

  • Inheritance tax

  • Share incentive schemes

  • Overseas property

  • Employee Benefit Trusts

  • Undeclared income/gains

  • Tax enquiries and voluntary disclosures